
Hello! I’m Rosa – PhD student / cyclist / bed & breakfast owner / baker/ amateur gardener / aspiring woodworker. And my husband and I (mostly him) are now co-owners of The Daily Beer Bar in downtown Durham (life is seldom boring)! You can learn all about me – and my, at times, strongly held opinions – in this blog, an attempt at deepening my own knowledge and sharing it with others. I hope you enjoy!

PS all views, for better or worse, are my own


My interest in water issues began in college. I knew I wanted to study international relations, and after picking the Middle East as my regional focus and hearing some great lectures on water scarcity issues, I decided that water was the way to go. After graduating I worked for a market research company evaluating trends in the water utility world, and now I hope to bring everything full circle – looking at how hydropower can be managed across borders.


I never death with energy, even though it is strongly linked with water, until coming to UNC. For my MS work I researched dual use solar and agriculture systems – practically ignoring the water side of things. Nowadays my work is on hydropower, merging these two topics – an interesting space to work in considering the extreme events influencing river levels and water supply.


Interest in climate risk has been steadily climbing for the last two decades (at least as measured by Google Trends). This reflects the increasing costs and impacts of extreme weather events – triggered by climate change or natural weather volatility. Mitigating the impacts of extreme weather conditions, like droughts and floods, increasing requires technological and financial innovation. The latter is what my PhD focuses on.

Rosa Isabella Cuppari
Google Scholar


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